Investment Management Services to Underpin a Successful Portfolio

Since the earliest days of investing, investors have searched for low-risk, high-return investment strategies that will help them make their fortunes. It soon became clear, however, that successful investing is a complex activity which requires knowledge and endeavour, and there is no such thing as “no risk” investing. 

Building a successful portfolio is difficult. This is why many investors seek professional financial help and wealth management advice to:

After all, how do you decide between value and growth stocks or foreign and domestic stocks? Which assets are low-risk? These represent only a select few of the numerous choices on offer, and what represents the right portfolio choice for you today could be wrong for you in five years’ time and could be entirely unsuitable for another investor altogether.

There is no fool-proof way for any single investor to invest forever—your balance of equity, fixed income, cash and other securities will depend on some fundamental analysis of your personal circumstances. Plus, you will need the discipline to avoid myopic, emotional decisions and be able to balance this with the flexibility to respond to fundamental economic changes. This is often a struggle for self-directed investors.

Understanding Risk

Some level of risk is inherent in investing strategies, but professional risk management advice should help you discover some investing practices to reduce the risk of loss while simultaneously maximising the possibility for you to achieve your financial goals. 

The job of a professional financial adviser is to help you identify your objectives, pick an investment strategy that reflects them, build a suitable investment portfolio and help you stick to your overarching aims even during times of heightened market volatility. And if your goals change at any point during the process—whether two years or two decades down the line—your advisor should be on hand to help you adjust your portfolio strategy and help you invest as necessary.

Aspin Trading is dedicated to helping investors find the right balance for their investment portfolios. We believe education is key so investors can better define and achieve their financial goals with discipline and confidence.

Understanding Risk

Before you develop any kind of investment strategy, you must first define and understand your long-term financial goals. Questions you should consider are:

Once you’ve defined your long-term goals and investment time horizon, you can begin the process of developing a strategy. You might choose to invest directly in equities, or in index-tracking products like Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs), which effectively represent a basket of securities in which you are part owner. But you still must answer questions. Which types of securities are best for your goals? Should you buy and hold or continually re-balance?

Aspin Trading can help qualified investors with at least £250,000 in investible assets define a plan and get on the path to their portfolio goals by recommending an asset allocation—mix of stocks, fixed interest, cash and other securities in your portfolio—tailored to their longer-term objectives. Our parent organisation, USA-based Aspin, is responsible for the ongoing portfolio management services. Aspin Trading is a wealth and asset management firm which has been managing investment portfolios for individual investors since the mid-1990s.*  

The 70-20-10 Top-Down Philosophy

Aspin Trading believes that a good investment strategy should help you focus on and achieve your ultimate income and retirement aims. Our 70-20-10 model and top-down approach to asset allocation is founded on the belief that 70% of your portfolio return can be attributed to asset allocation, 20% from market/sector/investing style, and 10% from specific shares and other securities selected. 

The 70-20-10 Top-Down Philosophy

Investors have a tendency towards the familiar, and although this is understandable, investing solely in what you know is often too restrictive; domestic markets make up only a tiny fraction of the world’s stocks and there is additional risk involved when placing all your eggs in one basket.  It is important to remember, however, that the diversification of your portfolio, including stock selection and asset classes, should ultimately be tailored to reflect your individual situation and long-term goals. 

A globally diversified portfolio can be an effective way to maximise your chances of attaining your objectives. Is this higher risk, you might ask? If you diversify and invest across a wide range of markets and sectors, your investment accounts will spread investment risk and this can help manage the threat of high loss without sacrificing potential capital growth.

Investor Education

Aspin Trading is dedicated to investor education. Not only can this provide reassurance and peace of mind, it can also help you stay disciplined and on course even during times of uncertainty or volatility. This is because portfolio investing can be highly emotional, even triggering the classic fear response of “fight or flight”—particularly when your retirement and financial goals are at stake.

Fortunately, knowledge and education can help overcome this fear, which in turn helps prevent you from making any emotionally motivated deviations from your investment strategy. 

As part of our commitment to investor education, Aspin Trading offers a variety of guides and insights on our website to help educate investors, so they can better approach investing and goal-setting.

Contact Aspin Trading Today

For more information, download one of our educational investing guides to learn more about our process or contact us for a consultation with one of our representatives.

Investing in financial markets involves the risk of loss and there is no guarantee that all or any capital invested will be repaid. Past performance neither guarantees nor reliably indicates future performance. The value of investments and the income from them will fluctuate with world financial markets and international currency exchange rates.

We understand the importance of approaching each Trade integrally and believe in the power of Deep Analysis.

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